In case you missed out on the UMD releases of Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy 2 (or if you have a PSP Go), Square Enix is giving you the chance to get them from the comfort of your own, European hotspot. The Square Enix France Facebook page has announced that the two games will be released on the European PSN for €9.99 each -- a significant discount over what Square Enix tried to get away with for the UMD versions. Final Fantasy will be available to download next Wednesday, February 16, and Final Fantasy 2 will follow on March 2.
In addition, a coupon included with Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy will reduce the price of the first Final Fantasy by half. A coupon for Final Fantasy 2 at half-price will come included with The 3rd Birthday. Square Enix hasn't announced this offer nor the downloadable releases for North America, though odds are good it won't pass up the opportunity to sell the first two Final Fantasies again.
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