Wait a minute- this is a thing? http://mspachan.net/
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OK just read a few threads, this shit is filled with over obsessive easily giddy mother*crag*ers, so I'd expect to read alot of shit you wished you didn't just read.
By killing them from the internet you make Home Stuck better.
do people seriously fap to this
People have fapped and regularly fap to more ridiculous things than imaginary web-comic trolls getting blowjobs from a crazy blind bitch with a flavor for paint.
And in recent exciting news as the board manager of setting up dramatic board flooding shitstorms I've decided that raiding this horseshit may be somewhat interesting due to my ability to rapidupload alot of interesting content at an alarming rate, But other than that this is a really stupid *crag*ing idea considering that Homestuck has already plagued a good majority of discussion boards and social media sites and that attacking these assholes isn't going to change a god damn thing other than give us something to laugh at and look back on 4 months from now, and besides this probably isn't going to see the motivation needed for this to work properly anyways, just like every other raid idea that I don't personally come up with.
So unless 5 of you motherfuckers would like to stand up and get the ball rolling, this shit isn't happening.
you're supposed to imagine the last line said in hank's voice
That said, Flavio sees no good coming from raiding a chan.
this is now an mspa general pictures thread
these will make great tf2 sprays
this is a goldmine for horrible things to masturbate to
i didn't, i was talking about other people